Sunday, July 03, 2005
  Kiefer Madness
Chris of Hollywood (not a milliner, that's where she lives) sends in this cautionary tale of rudeness and how to make amends and why.

After picking up lunch from Whole Foods Market in Beverly Hills, my sister and I were headed back to her place via Canon. Just as we were about to make a right onto Olympic from Canon, this silver Porsche Boxster rips across the street and totally cuts us off. We started to get angry (it's really, really easy to get angry at pretty Porsches), but stopped when the driver of the car turned over his right shoulder, looked at us and waved while mouthing, "I'm sorrrryyyy!!!"

The driver was Kiefer Sutherland, and the incident illustrates why everyone would be well served to wave whenever they do something stupid on the road. We went from hating him to becoming his biggest fans in less than 24 (seconds).

Which reminds us ... what's the difference between a porcupine and a Porsche?
On a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.

Yes, it's an old joke, but it's amazing how many people haven't heard it.

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