Gotham City
PaCarazzi is at a severe disadvantage. As noted, owing to widespread apathy, this blog is limited to contributions from just one person ... the genius who dreamed up the brilliant concept. (Memo to world: a pun is not sufficient grounds for a phenomenon. But you knew that.)
So now that said visionary has relocated to New York, where noone drives but is occasionally spotted being driven, what's a blog to do? Lower its standards, of course. Whereas in L.A., merely walking past disgraced Disney topper Michael Eisner was not worthy of inclusion in PaCarazzi (though the encounter did happen mere steps from a parking lot packed with cars), in New York, city of taxicabs, it seems the drawbridge might dip a little lower.
Oh, who am I kidding? I saw Ted Turner in Whole Foods today. The Whole Foods below the Time-Warner tower at Columbus Circle. He looked a little frailer than one imagines, and he appeared to be annoyed by how slowly foot traffic moved -- so much so that he did an impatient little monkey step to vent his disapproval. His handlers were only a decade or so younger than he, and they looked like fellow board members. Wish I could add more detail, but I didn't chase or tail him. In a classic display of the solidarity of the star-struck, when the woman to my immediate right stopped gaping she asked me, "Was that Ted Turner?" Like I know? Well, I did, but ... whatever.
Would news of a shopping cart redeem this anti-PaCarazzi transgression? What am I asking you for?
Uh, I can report that on a walk in Portland, OR, last week, we came upon two ridiculous Ferraris in the middle of a woodsy area. The lad who barred our car from entering the zone alleged the road was closed for a commercial shoot. What on Earth were they selling? Vertu phones?

Squirrels beware!